Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day 2014

Valentine's Day

We had sort of kid-dedicated Valentine's Day.  About a month before Valentine's Day, Steve and I decided Noah needed some special attention.  We looked and found that Monster Jam was coming to SLC so Steve bought tickets for he and Noah.  It would be something special and something fun for the two of them.  That meant that Steve and I couldn't go on a date.  Valentine's Day was on Saturday which meant we could wake up and have a breakfast together and see the kids open their little surprises.  The night before I set the table all cute and put the cards and gifts on the table.  We had crepes with whip cream, chocolate, strawberries, and syrup.  The kids loved it.  Then they opened their little gifts.  Ava got a jewellry making kit, necklace, candy, and several coupons to redeem with mom.  Noah got a fun paw patrol game, candy, and coupons to redeem with mom.  Steve got the short end and just got card and candy.  After breakfast Steve and Noah headed to the Monster Jam.  Steve bought the pre-show pass which gives them access to the pit.  However, Noah was afraid the trucks would start while he was down there so he was too scared and wanted to just sit in his seat.  Ava and I made a necklace and bracelet, did her hair like a heart, and got manis and pedis.  Ava got red and pink with hearts on them.  Next weekend Steve and I are going to go on a date to celebrate.  With three kids, house, callings, family, we seem to get jipped in the date department unfortunately.

For their school parties, Ava gave valentines that said "You Rule."  Noah gave valentines that said "Hope you have a ball" with bouncy balls.  We also dipped chocolate pretzels with friends one day.
I love Valentine's Day!

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