Monday, April 19, 2010


Ava is obsessed with going outside and walking. She pushes her walker everywhere and now she pushes her little buggy everywhere. This little video depicts what goes on at our house A LOT!! She's a lot of fun and so fast. I have decided she isn't going to walk by herself until she can walk this fast. We went to the Science Spectrum today and she took probably 15 to 20 steps by herself (holding onto 2 balls so she forgot my hands weren't in hers) but of course, she wouldnt do it when we got home! I'm getting tired of her shoes and pants getting so dirty :)


Heidi said...

That was SO CUTE to watch!!! I can't believe how old she is! You guys are such fun parents! :)

Kat Curtis said...

That's so funny - I forgot that the boys used to have to hold onto things to walk. We'd call them their "Dumbo feathers". Good thing to remember for Olivia in 10 months or so!

Giles Family said...

That is adorable! She is so beautiful!