Sunday, March 7, 2010

Welcome 2010!

(post by Marissa) I have lots and lots to blog about. Since I don't update this very often, I am actually starting two books for Ava. I am going to write lots of little pieces of advice to her. They will just be all sorts of random things. The other thing I'm going to do since I don't scrapbook as soon as I take the picture is journal to the pictures as soon as it happens and then when I finally do scrapbook the pictures, I'll have the story all written out. I know lots of people blog as a journal, but it still seems to take longer than I have. It is busy season in my profession, which means I have been busy busy. Ava is growing and learning everyday. She reminds me so much of myself. She never sits still and is always trying new things and adventures. She loves the park and climbing. Oh climbing..all day she would climb. She climbs on top of her toys, the dishwasher, stairs, shelves, anything she can. I wonder if she will try and climb out of her crib early. Well I'll post some pics of her most recent little dishwasher incident. She loves to help me empty the dishwasher and we were all done when I got a text. I went to check something in the other room and when I came back she was in the dishwasher. Then she proceeded to dive off. I was curious how she was going to do it..but she did it. Then got right back on! Anyways, I'm going to be a more faithful blogger because there are so many stories to tell. I feel like everyday I could tell some story, hence the journal as I go book.

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