Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boys and Girls!

(post by Marissa) I think I may have blogged about this before, but I will blog about it again. Last time I probably had some facts, this time it is going to be personal observation and experience. Steve and I now teach the 9 year olds in church. They are all great kids. We really lucked out! However, boys and girls are different. They learn different and different things keep their attention. They like different examples, etc. I want my kids to go to a school where both boys and girls attend, but the classes are separated. They can have recess and lunch together, etc; but I want class time to be sep. It wouldn't be that different because all the girls sit on one side and the boys on the other anyways. Anyway, there are more girls attending college and getting higher education. However, we expect the man to be the main breadwinner. I really think if we separated girls and boys in the classroom we would see more boys excelling. I feel bad for the boys because the current education system is failing them and they are going to continue to lag behind girls unless something changes. I hope more schools catch onto the separated classrooms. There have been numerous studies that show it works!

1 comment:

Kori said...

If you open up a private school let me know!